Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hope-Apr 15,07

What is Hope? ...Wishful thinking? ...Foolish Thoughts? A Scapegoat from reality??? The fact we refuse to except the inevitable??

It's that raggid, worn out blanket we clutch during a storm thinking it will keep us safe from the ragging thunder around us. It's just a safe haven from those harsh realities we refuse to except.

What was I thinking to Hope once someone has left they will ever return??? What was I thinking to Hope a broken heart could be mended, shallow words could be burried and a fallen love rekindled???

Foolish was I. Foolish was a plan poorly thought out, impulsive non the less.

You will never change, How could you? People can change their ways yes, but the very essence of who they are? I think not. You will always be broken, just as you were left, you will never heal if you never dropped the knife that cuts you.

I once saw it worth saving, now I see it's just as old and worn as the rest of the junk in that dusty box, it's where it needed to be and it's where it will stay...
I am moving on, my life is going on...without you. Without this hurt, this pain and this guilt I have carried, that all stays in the box with you...with all those broken mistakes.

I'm Done.

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