Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh my chit-zoo.-Dec 01,08

How awkwardly strange working as the front man of a dealership can be. I am (currently as I am writing) being hit on by an India man.(to which here I say I have NO problem with India People) Oh my. He's quite the cat with words.

Opening words, as he slyly, (or so he thought) paced up and down my desk. "You should Go for coffee on weekend with me."

(of course with a very thick "jew want a Slurpee accent." to which I had to ask him several times what the heck he meant.

(and this is when being married and having a ring comes in handy) and I simply said "oh no, my husband wouldn't like that" and flashed my bling bling in the fry lights that bake upon my desk.

Now I thought that would just about be an XY-see yourself away from me conversation but he paced on.

Again he leaned in closer "you could just tell him you go get coffee"

So this time I implied the words NO quite heavily. Thicker than whip cream on nanna pudding. But obviously not thick enough for this turban wearing jockey strap. On he passed, and on my heart raced wondering were the hell my coworker was who dumped this bo-zo off in front of my desk.

As if the situation wasn't awkward enough he continued

"where you go around here to find women? You know ones like me."

Uhhhh, how the heck was I suppose to answer that, knowing there arn't any creep clubs this side the Mississippi.

" What country do you tink' I am from?" he then asked, pacing even faster.

I almost felt like pulling the fire alarm and ducking for cover. Dude this guy might be sporting Bomb-of the-looms.

Uneasily I replied " India?"

He passed a bit more and in his thick musty accent said "ah, you got it right. You don't think I am Mexican. good. very good."

By now I am really wishing my coworker would hurry his arse back to "his clients" that seem to be like moths to the flame. good greif.

Somedays really are mundays. and this day was a Someday I had to be ruffled up like a defensive turkey. Yes, to answer your question, he is still here, but has retreated to the window in front of me and is now squaking with his pal and still slyly smiling at me. I just know at times like this you have to be primitive, no eye contact, sit up straight and puff your chest out, well wait, that might not be good for a female...maybe suck your chest in, (yeah, that might work better), foof your hair up and stand your ground.

oie vay.

**To which now I disclose I am not completely biased, or raciest at that, just Leary like the rest of creepy people**

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