Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Take the Time. -May 11,07

Here's a little poem I wrote to HONOR all of the Sailors, Soldiers, & Marines of this great nation. Past, Present & Future. It's infused with a bit of my own experiences serving. I was blessed to experience what I did & work side by side with some amazing, strong men & women.
Thank You, You guys really are what makes this country so strong, you made the ultimate sacrifices so that your families, friends, & fellow citizens could live life safe & free.

Where were you June 2004?
While I swore to defend the Flag I stood before
Where were you in the month of May?
While I longed for my family in the bed I lay
Where were you on the hot 4th of July?
As the sound of our National Anthem made me cry
Why you were here, or maybe there
Safe at home & unaware
That there are some who gave up all,
who are willing to fight
& willing to fall
for this great nation & all it's land
for it's people -these soldiers walk hand in hand
to depths of the unknown, through the depths of the sea
They gave up freedom for you & me
So take to the time to give them thought
These brave men & women who cannot be sold & will never be bought
defending our freedom, defending our rights
So with great passion I say "Thank You! and "Fight ,boys, Fight!"

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