Thursday, January 22, 2009

Drift (gesichtslos)

Life is like a clock, continually tick-tocking the time away. Time that can never be given back, but only taken and used or abused.

Thoughts are freedom, freedom from the physical reality of what we are. what we've become.

I often wonder if I've fallen short, wasted talent, wasted time, under estimated my own capabilities.

As I sit here, being insulted by a mere customer of "how boring my job must be." even as petty as he is for saying it, it really hits home.

What am I doing?

What am I acomplishing?

I am just an annonimous number on a governmental chart. A face amoung millions. A personality who tries to spread laughter, make others feel better, feel self worth while I alone feel worthless.

There's a fire burning, flamming wildly within me, yurning to spring loose of the monotony. Break free of the sterotypical life I've so blindingly settled for.....

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