Thursday, January 22, 2009

Profesional Worrier: Experienced. Will work for food or a penny.(for thoughts)-Jan 09,08

My sister always jokes that I stress over the tinniest of things & have been since I was a young pup, funny thing is she hit the nail right on the head. I prefer the term "professional worrier" just makes it sound more legit than a worry wort or down right cry baby.

So what if im pulling my hair out cause my job isn't going as planned, my car keeps breaking, and nothing seems to come together..even with the assistance of crazy glue...
bad luck perhaps?

I think someone snatched all the rabbit's feet and gave me the heap of fur that was left. too bad I didn't have any googly eyes handy to make a festive poof.
I'm not really sure where I went wrong, or in that matter keep going wrong. maybe I should have stopped to ask for directions at some point in time, but of course I am as stubborn as an old man driving a bus full of kids. Think I'm going to pull over for one minute? oh heck no, Im going to keep on truckin' that mess til' it gits where it's going.

One minute I am on top of old smokey ... all covered with cheese... and then yes, I loose that poor meatball cause some smucko sneezed..

Pieces of a puzzle naturally fit together some how some way, so by god I'm going to keep jammin' those *&^@&$!!!! til' they fit.

Rest your faith in a higher power, eventually that higher power will come through, faith in the big cat above. It's all one can do to get things right.
& believe me, I'll get it.

I just keep having to tell myself that and one day it just might happen. (either that or just keep writing non-sense to remind myself to unwind and de-stress-ify.)

woa is me.

I'm so tired the walls are waving hello.
Time for bed.
rest and rejuvenate.

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