Thursday, January 22, 2009

To be continued. (a work in progress)-May 22,08

I've been labeled as having an "addictive" personality, not of the "drink myself stoopid & pop little round pills" variety but more or less of the "over achievement, constantly striving" type. Yep, I am a lovely "obsessive compulsive" nutcase. Nothing ever seems to be exactly how I want it & this tends to drive me up a wall faster than spiderman on crack.

It would be such a relief to be able to go with the flow and be happy with where I am & where I'm going (which dont get me wrong is a very wonderful, very good place) Yet i find myself in constant critique mode, leaving post-it notes of comparing and contrasting, pros and cons... yada yada and so forth.

Working for the coperate beast has its perks, benefits, the whole 9 yards, but it lacks the very essence that's drives my compulsiveness, which is a HUDGE part in my professional happiness: Saticifaction. I find myself constantly comming home to the tune of Rolling Stones " I can't get NO! NO NO NO... hey, hey heyy,........" instead of happy rainbows & puppies = life is good. be continued. time for work. yay. (can you just feel the enthusiasim?)

There is a point to this, i just havent gotten there yet. (which means this is NOT to be confused with a depressive, ramble, but instead a quarrling debate for yet another decision on going back to the dental field)

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