Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tick Tock.-Mar 21,08

Hussle Bussle, constant calamity, continually chasing like yo sammity

walking in circles, hung up and dried

thrown in the batter, feeling stiff & flashed fried

constant confusion, constant amusing,

wondering mirrored halls, caught up in illusion

rambling riddles, rambling ryhmes

silent of my emotions, mute like a mime

wired like ticking time bomb only counting down the time.


I haven’t written in days, possibly because I’ve been more on the go than a new york transit. Seems the older we get the less time there is in a day, the less time there is to get things done, the less time there is to call your own.

I’m needing some serious me time, to RUNNOFT and just be. no thinking, no analiyzing, no plotting of the master plan. Just simplicity. All I need is the air I breathe and place to rest my head....

It’s Good Friday, suppose to be GOOD right? I think I’ve been cursed at more today than when I was first dumped at boot. I suppose if someone else’s friday isn’t going GOOD then they feel they should insure that someone’s elses doesnt as well. crabby people make for a crabby day. But I duked it out and now have quite the headache to sport.

oh well. time for some asprin and me, myself and i.

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