Thursday, January 22, 2009

Death by Soup.-Nov 15,08

Warm potato soup is sooooo scrumpious after one hellacious day, and that's a definate understatment. I almost ended up admitted into the hospital (for denying treament I believe I have no use for& can overcome without Doctors and their white coats) and was told by my long time Councler that she wouldnt see me anymore for denying treament. But really, what kind of treament was I really getting if she is going to turn her back on me for not wanting to admitt myself for something I can overcome?

what bull crap.

Man this soup is good. too good. hold on gotta take a bite.

I can honestly say I am scared for the future. scared for myself. and just plain scared stiff of all this bs that's been surrounding me. seriously. when does it stop??

hold on. another bite. much better.

maybe i should just commit sucide in a giant tank of potato soup. death by glutney. death by soup. shit people have death by chocolate all the time ... so why can't i by soup?

I'm delerios. I'm over medicated from multi panic attacks today, not to mention finding out that I am having anxity attacks in my sleep.

what the fuuuuuudddge....

I wake up drenched in sweat, and i think okay i'm just hot, remove some sheets go back to sleep but when it happens several times over and i'm butt naked fan going and no sheets, then there's a problem. another problem yet to fix. and I thought sleep was suppose to be when your at peace, well not my body, not my effin polar bears. they must get down and party in the middle of the night...

damn. im so confused.

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