Thursday, January 22, 2009

So let go. Jump in. Oh well what you waiting for?- Feb 25,08

"...its alright, cause there's beauty in the breakdown.."-Frou Frou

I'm debating on deleting my ms account, after having it for almost 3 years. Funny how something so trival could be so highly debated in my mind.

I often find myself pee-daddlin' on here late at night when there's nothing else to do catching up with old friends & just goofing around. What use to be just a passer-by has seemed to create more bad than good here lately, probably because of all the loose ties & open doors it creates.

Im finding myself to be more focused than ever on the future & where I am going in efforts to build this. One of my biggest obsticals has been letting many things from the past go, as much as I hate to say it, I am a bit of a dweller & a self admitting pack rat.

First things First, gotta let all that ju ju go. (Which I must admit, i've been doing very darn good for myself on this one)
Secondly, gotta de-pack all my packed up goods, Simplify the closet so to speak. it's starting to look a tad too messy for the likes of me. =P which means, if I dont finally bid adieu, I'm going to sweep things out a bit and untie some ties that should have been let go years ago.

Never did I think I would do a total 360 in a matter of a year, but I have & I'm ready to let go of aspects that don't matter anymore & embrace those that do.
Family, Faith, & Future.

You meet many people along this journey called life, & they walk in and walk out just as quickly as they came. What matters are not those drop in for idle chit chat from time to time, but those that you know will always be there when you need someone without ever having to say a word. It's those friends that I want there from here on out, it's all the others, those lose ends that don't care, don't know, and don't want to that Im ready to cut off.

It has to be done at somepoint. better sooner than later.

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