Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blessings.-Jan 27,08

If I would have come face to face with the person I am today years ago I would have smirked & said "hah, never in a million.." but like everything else in this world, with time I've grown.
This past year was a turning point for my life.finally turning off that misdirected road I had mistakenly been trailing down far too long and onto one that looks more promising.
I've felt feelings I never could have imagined I had within me.I've accomplished things I use to just envy. & I've surrounded myself with people that have made me better without even trying.

If I would have come face to face with the person I was then now I would simply shake my head & mutter "what a pity."
Things really do happen for a reason, although I may have shaken my fists at the sky & screamed out "why, God,why?! Why me?" I now know why, patience is indeed a virtue and good things do come to those who wait.
I have waited, sometimes patiently, sometimes weary. But waited non the less and now my good things are finally all around me.

Blessings come in the simplest forms and when counted become something much grander. I am blessed with the air I breathe, the smiles I see and the smiles I give, the love I feel and a passion that's made me feel alive.
Even if things don't end up how I'd like them to be, at least I know in my heart I'm a better person and I now know what is important in this life. Not the cars, the money, the materials that occupy our time, but the simple things that make it worth living.

If only I could come face to face with that lackadaisical, non-shalant little punk I was I would tell her "drop the walls, stop hiding and start living"
"It's only when the walls are dropped that you can really begin to see.."

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