Thursday, January 22, 2009

Holy batman britches!!!

I'm done.


My fingers feel like they just participated in a copy paste marathon. holly moley.
Now it's time to start a new, with all the old in place.

Ofcourse watch my account get deleted for too much junk. my luck.

Eyes of Blue.-Jan 02,09

Eyes of Blue,

Hide a world behind,

Curious, Interesting, Uniquie it's mind

Eyes of Blue,

Do not lie, look within, look into truth

For Numbers hide a child like youth,

Eyes of Blue

Holding all things back

Holding onto nothing, a silence of lack

Blue are these eyes, Blue is inside

not of sadness nor of pride

Blue is passion, not hate or snide-

Passer By you must'ent be

Wonderous are those eyes, wonderous like me

Look into these eyes, these eyes of Blue,

Look more beyond, beyond what looking back at you.....

Drift (gesichtslos)

Life is like a clock, continually tick-tocking the time away. Time that can never be given back, but only taken and used or abused.

Thoughts are freedom, freedom from the physical reality of what we are. what we've become.

I often wonder if I've fallen short, wasted talent, wasted time, under estimated my own capabilities.

As I sit here, being insulted by a mere customer of "how boring my job must be." even as petty as he is for saying it, it really hits home.

What am I doing?

What am I acomplishing?

I am just an annonimous number on a governmental chart. A face amoung millions. A personality who tries to spread laughter, make others feel better, feel self worth while I alone feel worthless.

There's a fire burning, flamming wildly within me, yurning to spring loose of the monotony. Break free of the sterotypical life I've so blindingly settled for.....

Blue Dude.-Dec 18,08

Sometimes words flow like a shook up keg, other times it's like straining noodles. Today I've had no problem letting the inner be revealed by the outer. Good? maybe. Bad? Maybe so.

all depends on the ear of the beholder. haha.

I sometimes wish I could go back in time, go back to certain days or memories and re-live them just one more time. Maybe done some things different and done without others. I suppose that is the whole purpose of life. "you screwed up! sucks for you!" oh well. hells bells. grab a wad of chocolate and move on.

A neverending game of musical chairs, or a cake walk. see what flavor you end up with next... "dude! you got gradma's cake, that suuuucks! sorry man!"

While everyone else is caught up in the holiday cheer, I'm ready to holiday steer (away from the mess.) traffic is like waiting for a parking space in a one space parking lot. and slower than those creepy crawlers goop down your window.

Speaking of I remember the time I flung one of those suckers in the grand enterance at my poppy's house and nailed the very top corner, (2 ceilings high) he about killed me because no one could reach it. So we simply had to watch it's ever slowing progress as it inched down the wall, til finally 2 years later that sucker hit the floor. I remember many holidays checking on the blue dude. haha.

What all this babling boils down to, is that no matter what i've down, I dont give a crap about what people think of it or of me.

so nanner. nanner.

Sleigh what??-Dec 16,08

I'm listening to some 80's new wave song that sounds like a black New Kids on the Block that keep saying "sleigh ride." I wish they'd ride that sleigh of theirs right off the speakers.

somebody shoot me.

or give me a pair of parashoot pants, crazy velcro sneaks and let me loose on the showroom turned dance floor so I can hump the plants and greenery to the beat. (ya know, break out the Beavis & Butthead moves)

yeah buddy.

haha. not really.

Bagged Cats.-Dec 16,08

Monday, Monday, such a fun day...

There was a 2 hour delay this morning on the freeway, turns out it was only a onlookers to a really, really bad accident. Brand new BMW obliterated. sad. Seeing things like that makes you think about yourself and the probability of it being you. yikes. never know.

I feel re-newed, re-freshed from a wonderful weekend and a time- needy salvage of a broken relationship. feels as if the weight bar was finally lifted off my weary, half beaten shoulders.

Thank God.

Perhaps loosing faith I lost touch of what mattered. Myself and my own feelings and conveying these in true light instead of keeping it bottled for a rainy day. Now all cats are out and playing instead of clawing at that darn bag. whew.

Time Out.-Dec 13,08

Sitting in boredom sometimes leads to self reflection. Which to my neverending cycle of a mind can be quite the race for a cure.

I sometimes wonder if too much can be said, or ponder on the fact of which is worse: too much or too little. Sharing too much can be over endulging the public and sharing to little can leave you with no conversation at all.

Perhaps I should find a happy medium no? But when have you (ever) seen me settle in one spot long enough to figure something out. hah. (like telling a terets kid to sit in the silent time out. not happening)

Maybe I should go sit in time out, dunce hat and all...

& figure it out. Some say life is short. but really, a day seems long and I am in no hurry.